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The Alternative to an RFP: A Simplified Approach to Selecting Your Investment Advisor

While some organizations issue an RFP for investment services, that process can be time-consuming and complex. This guide lays out a more efficient alternative that involves interviewing a select group of advisor firms to make your decision.

Nonprofit Investment RFP Resources

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The Alternative to an RFP: A Simplified Approach to Selecting Your Investment Advisor

While some organizations issue an RFP for investment services, that process can be time-consuming and complex. This guide lays out a more efficient alternative that involves interviewing a select group of advisor firms to make your decision.

Should You Issue an RFP to Select Your Next Investment Advisor

Understand the pros and cons of issuing a formal Request for Proposal in the search for your nonprofit’s next investment advisor.

5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Issuing an Investment Advisor RFP

A Request for Proposal (RFP) is a questionnaire designed to gather the necessary information to help your organization select the ideal investment partner. Having a well-defined RFP process helps ensure you are asking the right questions to the right candidates and streamlines the selection process.

How to Evaluate an Investment Advisor's RFP

The goal of the RFP review process is to identify the roughly 2-4 investment advisory firms with the people, process, experience, focus, and fees that offer a match for your organization from the list of advisors who responded to your RFP.

How to Create an Investment Management RFP for Nonprofit Organizations with RFP Template

Finding an advisor to manage your nonprofit's investments could include issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP). This 3-part guide covers what to include in your RFP to ensure timely and complete responses and an RFP Template to help get started.